Master the Art of Creating Viral Pinterest Pins Quickly

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Pinterest is a visual discovery engine that’s perfect for driving traffic to your blog, online store, or portfolio. But with over 400 million active users, it can be challenging to stand out. The secret to success on Pinterest? Creating viral pins that capture attention, encourage clicks, and get shared across the platform. This article will guide you through the process of creating viral pins quickly, without sacrificing quality.


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Understanding the Anatomy of a Viral Pin

Before diving into the creation process, it’s essential to understand what makes a pin go viral. Viral pins share several characteristics:

  1. Eye-Catching Visuals: A viral pin stands out in the feed. This means using high-quality images, bold text overlays, and appealing colors.
  2. Clear and Compelling Messaging: The text on your pin should be easy to read and deliver a clear message. It should convey value and entice users to click through.
  3. Relevance and Timing: Viral pins often tap into current trends or seasonal interests. They are relevant to what users are searching for at the moment.
  4. Effective Use of Keywords: Like other search engines, Pinterest relies heavily on keywords. Viral pins often rank high in searches because they use relevant keywords in the pin description, title, and even the image file name.
  5. Optimized for Pinterest’s Preferred Dimensions: Pinterest favors vertical pins with an aspect ratio of 2:3 (e.g., 1000 x 1500 pixels). These take up more space on the screen and are more likely to catch a user’s eye.

Step 1: Brainstorming Ideas for Viral Pins

To create viral pins quickly, you need to start with a solid idea. Here’s how to brainstorm effectively:

  1. Research Trends: Use Pinterest’s Trends tool to see what topics are currently popular. Look for seasonal trends, upcoming holidays, and recurring events. You can also check out what’s trending in your niche.
  2. Analyze Competitors: Look at what your competitors are pinning. Which of their pins are getting the most engagement? Analyze their successful pins and think about how you can create something similar but with your unique twist.
  3. Use Popular Content as Inspiration: Check your blog’s analytics to see which posts are getting the most traffic. These are likely to perform well on Pinterest too. If you have a top-performing blog post, consider creating multiple pins for it.
  4. Think About Your Audience’s Pain Points: What problems are your audience facing? What questions are they asking? Pins that address a common pain point or offer a solution tend to get shared more often.

Step 2: Designing Your Pin

Once you have an idea, it’s time to bring it to life. Here’s how to design a pin that has the potential to go viral:

  1. Use High-Quality Images: Pinterest is a visual platform, so the quality of your images is crucial. Use high-resolution photos that are bright, clear, and relevant to your content.
  2. Choose the Right Colors: Color plays a significant role in catching the user’s eye. Use bright, contrasting colors to make your pin stand out. However, make sure the colors align with your brand.
  3. Add Text Overlays: Text overlays are essential for communicating the main idea of your pin. Use bold, easy-to-read fonts. The text should be large enough to read on mobile devices, as most Pinterest users are on mobile.
  4. Create Multiple Versions: Don’t just create one pin for each piece of content. Create multiple versions with different designs, colors, and text overlays. This increases your chances of one of them going viral.
  5. Incorporate Your Branding: Add your logo or website URL to your pin. This not only helps with brand recognition but also prevents others from stealing your content.

Step 3: Writing a Compelling Pin Description

A great pin design needs to be paired with an equally compelling description. Here’s how to write a description that can help your pin go viral:

  1. Use Keywords Strategically: Include relevant keywords in your pin description. These should be words or phrases that users are likely to search for when looking for content like yours. Include keywords naturally within the first few sentences.

  2. Provide Value: Your description should communicate the value of your content. Why should users click through to your website? What will they learn or gain? Be clear about the benefits.

  3. Include a Call to Action: Encourage users to take the next step, whether it’s clicking through to your blog, saving the pin for later, or visiting your online store.

  4. Keep It Natural: While keywords are important, avoid keyword stuffing. Your description should be easy to read and flow naturally.

  5. Use Hashtags Wisely: Pinterest allows you to use hashtags in your pin descriptions. Use a mix of broad and niche hashtags to increase the visibility of your pin.

Step 4: Optimizing Your Pin for Pinterest Search

To increase the chances of your pin going viral, it needs to be discoverable. Here’s how to optimize your pin for Pinterest search:

  1. Optimize the Pin Title: Just like your description, the pin title should include relevant keywords. Make sure the title is clear, compelling, and includes your main keyword.

  2. Use Alt Text Wisely: When uploading your pin, you’ll have the option to add alt text. This text should describe the image and include relevant keywords. It helps Pinterest understand what your pin is about.

  3. Name Your Image File Properly: Before uploading your image, rename the file to include your main keyword. Instead of “IMG1234.jpg,” use a descriptive file name like “how-to-create-viral-pins.jpg.”

  4. Create Rich Pins: Rich Pins provide more context by pulling additional information directly from your website. There are different types of Rich Pins, including article, product, and recipe pins. Setting up Rich Pins can improve your pin’s performance in search.

  5. Pin at the Right Time: Timing is crucial on Pinterest. Research shows that the best times to pin are in the evenings and on weekends when users are most active. Use scheduling tools like Tailwind to ensure your pins go live at optimal times.

Step 5: Promoting Your Pin

Once your pin is live, the next step is to promote it. Even the best-designed pins need a little push to go viral. Here’s how to get more eyes on your pins:

  1. Share to Relevant Boards: Pin your content to your most relevant boards first. Then, share it to any group boards you’re a part of. Group boards can be a great way to increase the reach of your pins.

  2. Use Pinterest Ads: If you want to speed up the process, consider using Pinterest ads to promote your pin. You can target specific keywords, demographics, and interests to reach your ideal audience.

  3. Encourage Engagement: Ask your followers to save and share your pins. The more engagement your pin gets, the more likely it is to be shown to a wider audience.

  4. Leverage Your Other Social Media Accounts: Cross-promote your Pinterest content on your other social media platforms. Share your pins on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to drive more traffic to your Pinterest profile.

  5. Analyze and Iterate: Use Pinterest Analytics to track the performance of your pins. Identify which pins are performing well and analyze why they are successful. Use these insights to create more of what works.


Creating viral Pinterest pins doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process. By following these steps, you can create high-quality, attention-grabbing pins quickly and effectively. Remember, the key to success on Pinterest is consistency. Keep experimenting with different designs, keywords, and strategies to see what resonates best with your audience. With time, effort, and the right approach, you can master the art of creating viral pins and drive significant traffic to your website or online store.

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